Keep getting transcripts with "no content" FIXED

as the title says, i keep getting conversation transcripts but they are empty.

Hi, yes, I have just quickly checked, and you are right. I will ask @Fatos to look into this.

Unfortunately I have the same issues. Please fix the bug asap!

The transcription via email should be working now, I just tested it.

UNFORTUNATELY NOT. I still do not get any transcription send via email!

Please check and correct the error as quickly as possible. Thank you very much.

Hi Dekay, I have just tested and was able to receive the transcription from your chatbot.

Please keep in mind that in order to trigger the transcription, the user will have to reset the bot. Also, please check if your emails are ending up in the spam folder.

Hi Simone, thanks for your fast reply. Now it works :slight_smile:

However, it would be desirable if the transcription would be sent e.g. after 5 minutes of inactivity, even if the bot would not be reset!

Hi Dekay yes we are thinking to add that option.

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Hi Simone, great to hear. Yes, please!

Any news about sending the transcription e.g. after 5 minutes of inactivity , even if the bot would not be reset ???

Hi DeKay

We are working on other critical updates.

We will likely fix this or include in the next updates. but as it is right now I don’t have an exact ETA for it.