URGENT : Prevent Unrelated Conversations

Report bugs for developers.
I checked the Prevent Unrelated Conversations but when I ask something like “how to clean my surfboard” that has no relation to the subject of the company. He gives an answer !

Is it possible to have a quick response please because de company is using the chatbot right now

Hi LeHugo,

I just checked your dashboard and noticed that some agents quality controls are off and not activated. I noticed that you have the blue tick not activated, maybe this is the problem? In the one where the prevent quality control is active, it’s doing just fine.

Now, if the question is relevant or close, you can add the following in the prevent-related conversation section: “We don’t provide cleaning services.” This should be enough for any queries asking for cleaning, or another example would be, “We don’t provide cooking recipes.”

This should do the trick.

about the client testing i think the best option is to educate them that one person asking unrelated questions is probably just not a customer. I’m not sure what you are selling, but if it’s a marketing agency, nobody is going to ask how to clean their surfboard.

Yes but there the the problem on an agent with the quality control on, I’m going to try to say what we don’t do !
Will see