Because answerly has such good functions now and real time data via sync and api, It would be amazing to oragnise the functions a bot has access to create a workflow like a mini zapier flow inside of the widget that is pre planned. and it would be cool to assign two or more workflows to an individual bot.
For instance, chat bot greets normally asking how it can help, user asks a trigger question, then on reply bot prompts user a form, then form complete, bot prompts the calander, once complete, bot prompts an api request to confirm the booking back to user, user agrees, then bot prompts a link to redireect to furth information or another workflow for instance all using natural language to guide the work flow down a pre destined path primarily, or it could just act as a normal bot that refers to embeddings based on user query, so if it was like zapier inside the answerly widget it would be natural language is the trigger, and, all confirmed completed functions are an action step, while keeping the bot engaged to discuss anything while guiding the automation…
This may already be possible with the functions as they are using careful wording etc, if it is let me know, but it would be cool to have the conversation programmtically on rails, simiar to when you raise the bumper walls down a bowling ally, the ball is free to go anywhere down the path but the ai is keeping the workflow heading towards the skittles for instance to strike on the ultimate goal of the bot which are the action steps in the underlying automation.
Crazy cutting edge, however all the pieces are there, fatos has already done an excellant job with these custom functions, he is laying the ground work knowingly or unknowingly for powerful mini automation suite within answerly